Init Module


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Inherits: Module

Registers internal World tables, systems, and their function selectors.

This module only supports installRoot because it installs root tables, systems and function selectors.

State Variables


address internal immutable accessManagementSystem;


address internal immutable balanceTransferSystem;


address internal immutable batchCallSystem;


address internal immutable registrationSystem;



  AccessManagementSystem _accessManagementSystem,
  BalanceTransferSystem _balanceTransferSystem,
  BatchCallSystem _batchCallSystem,
  RegistrationSystem _registrationSystem


Root installation of the module.

Registers core tables, systems, and function selectors in the World.

function installRoot(bytes memory) public override;


Register World's tables.

This internal function registers various tables and sets initial permissions.

function _registerTables() internal;


Register the systems in the World.

function _registerSystems() internal;


Register the internal system in the World.

Uses the WorldRegistrationSystem's registerSystem implementation to register the system on the World.

function _registerSystem(address target, ResourceId systemId) internal;


Register function selectors for all core system functions in the World.

Iterates through known function signatures and registers them.

function _registerFunctionSelectors() internal;


Register the function selector in the World.

Uses the RegistrationSystem's registerRootFunctionSelector to register the function selector.

function _registerRootFunctionSelector(ResourceId systemId, string memory functionSignature) internal;


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Resource ID for access management system.

This ID is derived from the RESOURCE_SYSTEM type, the ROOT_NAMESPACE, and the system name.

ResourceId constant ACCESS_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM_ID = ResourceId.wrap(
  bytes32(abi.encodePacked(RESOURCE_SYSTEM, ROOT_NAMESPACE, bytes16("AccessManagement")))


Resource ID for balance transfer system.

This ID is derived from the RESOURCE_SYSTEM type, the ROOT_NAMESPACE, and the system name.

ResourceId constant BALANCE_TRANSFER_SYSTEM_ID = ResourceId.wrap(
  bytes32(abi.encodePacked(RESOURCE_SYSTEM, ROOT_NAMESPACE, bytes16("BalanceTransfer")))


Resource ID for batch call system.

This ID is derived from the RESOURCE_SYSTEM type, the ROOT_NAMESPACE, and the system name.

ResourceId constant BATCH_CALL_SYSTEM_ID = ResourceId.wrap(
  bytes32(abi.encodePacked(RESOURCE_SYSTEM, ROOT_NAMESPACE, bytes16("BatchCall")))


Resource ID for core registration system.

This ID is derived from the RESOURCE_SYSTEM type, the ROOT_NAMESPACE, and the system name.

ResourceId constant REGISTRATION_SYSTEM_ID = ResourceId.wrap(
  bytes32(abi.encodePacked(RESOURCE_SYSTEM, ROOT_NAMESPACE, bytes16("Registration")))


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Inherits: IWorldErrors, ModuleInstallationSystem, StoreRegistrationSystem, WorldRegistrationSystem

This system aggregates World registration and installation functionalities externalized from the World contract, aiming to keep the World contract's bytecode lean.

Aggregates multiple system implementations for the World.


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Systems are expected to be always called via the central World contract. Depending on whether it is a root or non-root system, the call is performed via delegatecall or call. Since Systems are expected to be stateless and only interact with the World state, it is normally not necessary to prevent direct calls to the systems. However, since the CoreSystem is known to always be registered as a root system in the World, it is always expected to be delegatecalled, so we made this expectation explicit by reverting if it is not delegatecalled.

Based on OpenZeppelin's UUPSUpgradeable.sol (opens in a new tab)

State Variables


address private immutable __self = address(this);



modifier onlyDelegatecall();


Reverts if the execution is not performed via delegatecall.

function _checkDelegatecall() internal view virtual;



error UnauthorizedCallContext();


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Holds data for making system calls.

Used to represent a call to a specific system identified by a ResourceId.

struct SystemCallData {
  ResourceId systemId;
  bytes callData;


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Holds data for making system calls with a specific sender.

Used to represent a call from a specific address to a specific system.

struct SystemCallFromData {
  address from;
  ResourceId systemId;
  bytes callData;